
FAKE. According to a study by the BPI, “one in five companies is condemned to disappear within three years if it does not engage in its digital transformation”. Digitization is a strategic issue for all companies regardless of their size, their targets or their sector of activity.

Digital technology has revolutionized the way of doing business and this disruption will further gain in magnitude and accelerate with the advent of connected objects (health, car, home, connected cities, etc.). More than ever, companies must react and rethink their organization at the risk of losing performance, relevance — or worse: disappearing in the years to come.

“Digital is just a marketing argument!” »

FAKE. And it’s not just a fad either! Business, HR, marketing, production process, information system… It is the organization as a whole that is concerned. Behind digitalization lie real strategic challenges. Here are a few :

– Accelerate innovation (new products, new strategic axes, more efficient tools, etc.)

– Review customer and partner proximity (responsiveness to requests, better quality products, improved after-sales service, etc.)

– Mobilize employees (decompartmentalization of services, purpose of work, loyalty, etc.)

– Gain in operational excellence (increased value for the customer, better profitability, accelerated growth, etc.)

“Digital transformation? It’s just a matter of tools…”

FAKE. It’s much more than that! It is above all a strategic reflection, a change of philosophy. Several projects are affected by the digital transformation:

The tools are at the service of the transformation (method, process, collection, processing and storage of data, interfaces, indicators, etc.).

TRUE AND FALSE. In-depth change takes time, and it will probably take several years to succeed in your transformation. The good news is that the beneficial effects will begin to occur within the first few months. The key is to have a business vision and take it step by step: audit – plan – test – deploy – optimize. No need to deal with all the subjects at the same time!

For more serenity, it is also possible to be accompanied in its transformation. We offer this type of service through our  ready 4digital diagnostic tool  and our network of digital partners.

“Digital is very expensive! »

TRUE AND FALSE. We are not going to lie to each other, any transformation has a price. In terms of tools, change management, training… But that’s nothing compared to what it can save you! Beyond the simple survival of the company, digitalization offers real levers in terms of competitiveness, growth, innovation and profitability. Internally, this approach will allow you to attract and retain the young talents of today and tomorrow.

By admin

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