content marketing

The content marketing tactics and work arounds that used to rule the world for you may now have lost their mojo. The recipe for success for modern digital marketers is to keep evolving with this very dynamic industry and trends.

So what exactly are the mistakes you are making that you need to let go of today if you want to do a great job of content marketing in a competitive market?

Content marketing should be used for link building

Let’s face it, traditional SEO revolved around link building. The old thought process was that the more links directed to your website, the better for the business. This is where content marketing came in, generating content to grab more links. For now, the trick has become obsolete. Rather than opting for the quantity of links, the ranking of any website depends on a number of other factors including citations, quality of links, etc.

What digital marketers don’t understand is that producing content just for links ends up getting you into a lot of trouble. Put simply, Google is no longer impressed with link building, so what exactly is content marketing getting us?

Experts say the primary goals of content marketing are brand awareness and loyalty, customer education and engagement, and talent acquisition. Agree, there is no presence of traffic and click-through rate in the list of goals. What companies need to be careful of is that promotional links and other fancy buzzwords are there to trick you into bringing traffic to the website, instead they tend to infest spammy content and significantly affect the corporate credibility. Readers are smart and come to your website to devour valuable content, not to read an article determined to just gain mass traffic without providing them with the content they came for.

However, this does not mean that traffic should be neglected, building traffic is appreciable, but only if done the right way. If you acquire quality links, consider it a quality fortune, but never make it your big goal.

More Content is Better

There used to be a misconception that the more content, the more likely you are to win the content marketing game. However, today, content production has taken a back seat to search volume.

It has been predicted that content marketing is approaching the event horizon, where businesses are required to produce exceptionally good content that will help them acquire a healthy audience, otherwise they risk being dragged into the black hole of content marketing. an extremely competitive and overly crowded field where worn out and tired customers would require 10 times the effort to attract them to your business.

According to Marc Schaefer, Tao of Twitter author, “Content shock [is] the era of emergent marketing defined when exponentially increasing volumes of content intersect with our limited human capacity to consume it.

Consider the example of participating in routine conversations at home, in the office, or at any social gathering. How much can you handle the constant talk, talk, talk and more talk?

By admin

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